20,000 employees from 27 countries

have access to this course on their companies` LMSs.

Why should I take this course?

Fit for busy schedule – self-paced bite sized lessons (1 hour in total).

Always there – people can come back to the course anytime and as many times as they want.

Engaging and fun to watch - animation facilitates understanding and retention of concepts and shortens the time to consume the content.

Delivered in a way that enhances retention and application - quizzes, downloadable resources and assignments.

Course preview

Lecture 8: Stress Multiplication

A professional tip

For the best results, blend this course with a live (online) discussion.

Get inspired

Blend this course into your talent or management development programmes

Time & cost effectiveness – you can cover more topics in the programme by using this course as an add-on.

Flexibility – schedule joint, live sessions only for discussion and practice, and use this course as a preparation for it.

Individualisation – not all participants are equally interested in all topics. You can acommodate those interested in Stress management by providing them with this course, without including the topic to the main sessions.

Quality of learning is higher when live sessions are focused on discussion and practice. Using this course as a preparation, you can cut down your teaching time and focus on working on practical and relevant examples.

What people are saying about this course

Jelena Petrović

Organization and People Development Senior Expert, Erste Banka Srbija

Our employees say that the course is helpful and can be applied both at work and privately. According to them, the topic was well covered, clearly, and concisely. It's always important to learn how psychology can be used in everyday life, and it's also helpful to remind yourself from time to time how to help yourself in stressful situations. For one colleague, the course was so picturesque and impressive that she went to train the same day. It is excellent and I recommend it!

Miodrag Dilparić

Strategic HR Development Coordinator, NLB Komercijalna banka

Thanks to the practical and visual approach, with many concrete examples, the Animated Stress Management Course met our expectations.

A group of HR employees and internal trainers were participants in the trial course, and the results were excellent. The high pass rate testifies to the success of this video course, and Milana held an additional and very useful workshop where she presented us with the structure that we will use in the future when working with employees.

Our plan is for colleagues to go through the course independently, after which we will discuss in follow-up workshops the daily stressors they face and ways to apply what they learned through the animated course.

I personally completed the course and participated in organizing the follow-up workshop. I would highly recommend that you cooperate with Milana.

Milana was available to advise us on how to make the best use of the course; she showed flexibility but also a willingness to answer all our questions regarding the technical aspects of the implementation.

Marina Atanasoski

People and Culture Manager, MTU Maintenance Serbia

Stress Management animated course brings us practical tools for coping with stress both at work and in a daily life. However, I feel that it is not just another course on stress management.

What I like most about the course is its immersing content, animation and visuals which constantly keep me focused and amused. It is easy to follow and understand even it is scientifically based.

The course helped me explore my personal capacities to deal with stress – a great preparation for any further action in the area of well-being.

I can come back to the course anytime, as it is on our learning platform, available for all colleagues. With this solution, we have eliminated any issue with the training organization and give more flexibility to learning.

Eager to see what Learning Makeover will bring us next!

Jasna Vujanić

HR Manager, Snap One

Snap One employees had the opportunity to attend a hybrid model of stress management training by LearningMakeover.

Using the e-learning platform, they were introduced to stress-related concepts. During the following workshop, they had the opportunity to apply the most important concepts through group work and improve their techniques for overcoming stress.

Colleagues enjoyed all the activities and learning 🙂. They learned how to deal with stress and overcome it in a practical and fun way.

Thank you very much to Milana and Dragan for organizing this workshop and wonderful cooperation, we enjoyed it, and we will meet again at some future training 🙂

Marijana Žuvela

Senior Manager - Infrastructure, Data & Security, Canada

Very useful. Great fresh perspective and great tips.

Elena Kharitonova

HR and Organizational design practitioner, Russia

I found this course very helpful and well-explained! A very good explanation of all key concepts in one place - definitely some food for thought... The animation and graphics helped to make the content more fun :)

Marija Pantelić

CSR and business sustainability expert, speaker and ambassador for SMEs in Serbia

In these extremely trying and challenging times, where each member of our work teams is faced with stress and uncertainty on a daily basis, this course provides helpful and easy-to-remember tools to help use cope with stress and create a work environment which fosters mutual understanding and support.

Mirjana Elez

HR professional, Assoc CIPD, Serbia

Easy to listen, great animations and very interesting insights into physiological nature of stress!

Nebojša Predić

Automation Manager, Serbia

Innovating course, with out of the box approach, to stress management control with theoretical and practical examples how to deal with the stress. This topic is very important to me both on professional and personal level. Presentation is perfectly framed in one hour.

Dragana Stojanović

Category Manager, Serbia

The course is very helpful, engaging, interesting and made me look at my everyday stress from a different perspective. The animations are very good and they leave a visual impression that I can easily recreate in my mind and instantly work through the stress that I’m feeling. Well done !!!

Course curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • Lecture 4: How can we influence our feelings?

    • Lecture 5: Changing situation interpretation

    • Lecture 6: Mental filter

    • Lecture 7: Catastrophizing

    • Quiz 2

    • Lecture 8: Stress multiplication

    • Lecture 9: How to prevent stress multiplication?

    • Lecture 10: Expectation management

    • Quiz 3

  3. 3
    • Lecture 11: Do we underestimate our ability to cope with stress?

    • Lecture 12: Why is it important to develop our skills and knowledge?

    • Lecture 13: What are the things we can and can’t control?

    • Lecture 14: Accepting when things are beyond our control

    • Quiz 4

  4. 4
    • Conclusion


Milana Malesev, PhD

Milana is a senior HR professional, with almost two decades of experience in learning in corporate and public sector.

She spent 14 years of her professional career in PwC, as a consultant.

She is a co-designer and a tutor on intermediate and advanced level programs of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), delivered by PwC in Central and Eastern Europe.

Milana obtained her PhD in Psychology, in informal learning in the workplace, in 2020. She has completed an advanced program in Rational-emotive & cognitive-behavioral theory and techniques.

Course is available for corporate clients


1. Employees access the course on our platform.

2. Course upload on your Learning Management System.

If you are an individual

interested in the course...

Click the button to access the course on Udemy.


Let us know your needs (number of learners, length of the course access, etc.), and we will prepare a tailored offer.